COMPUTER NETWORKS CLASSIFICATION Network could be classified into following three categories: Local Area Network. (LAN) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) LOCAL AREA NETWORK Network used to interconnect computers in a single room, rooms within a building or buildings one site are normally called Local Area Networks (LANs). LANs normally transmit data in a digital form with typical transmission speeds of up to several megabytes per second. These speeds can be achieved using parallel transmission where a cable with multiple core is used, or serial transmission, making use of high frequency carriers, using coaxial cables, fibre optical or even a simple pair of wires because distances are short. Modems are not normally required although some mechanism for converting from parallel to serial transmission and back again may be needed. In Fig.1.1, there is an example of local Area Network as may be used on a single site within an organization. The te...